- Switchable between CCS (Combined Charging System) and CHAdeMO - Nominal voltages up to DC 1000 V - Detection of symmetrical and asymmetrical insulation faults - Electrically isolated Modbus RTU interface - Display of the fault location (DC+/DC/balanced)
The ISOMETERR isoCHA425HV in combination with the AGH420-1/AGH421-1 coupling device monitors the insulation resistance RF for DC fast charging stations according to the CHAdeMO standard or according to the Combined Charging System (CCS) for nominal system voltage ranges between DC 0 V and 1000 V.
In order to meet the requirements of the applicable standards, customised parameter settings must be made on the equipment in order to adapt it to local equipment and operating conditions. Please heed the limits of the range of application indicated in the technical data.
Any other use or a use that goes beyond this constitutes improper use.
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