符合中華民國 CNS 12514 認可之防火1小時(t=50mm)。 Fire resistance regulation CNS12514, one-hour (thickness=50mm) 搭接速度快、節能 construct efficiently, eco-friendly 聚氨酯側封技術,提高搭接處的氣密性,有效防止冷橋現象的發生,同時克服了板材在搬運及安裝過程中鋼板與芯材剝離現象的發生 PIR foam at the sides can increase air-tightness for lap joint, effectively prevent cold bridge from occurring, also preventing the possibility of the separation between steel plate and core material during the process of transport and installation. 獨特防水槽設計,有效防止雨水滲漏 specially designed shapes which prevent water from leaking into the inner side
岩棉 PIR 外牆板 Rockwool +PIR Panels
PIR外牆板 Polyisocyanurate (PIR) Panels for Exterior Uses
岩棉+PIR雙夾心冷庫板 Dual Material Panel: Rockwool with PIR