X-Ray inspection machine Advantage description: X-Ray inspection machine is mainly used for analysis, measurement and target deviation of each layer before lamination and after drilling in the production process of multilayer PCB. Realize accurate measurement and analysis of point-to-point, point-to-line, radius, diameter, concentricity, etc., find process errors in advance, and avoid batch quality problems.
Ng temporary storage machine
Copper foil punching machine/PP punching machine
PP drilling machine
X-Ray drilling targer nachine
Post-Etch Punching.Machine
Ammonium Persulfate (APS)
Various parts manufacturing
Polyurethane mortar floor
Cushioning Plastic Air Bubble Film Making Machine
AB Glue Potting System
Rugged Laptop for Industry
Rugged Android Tablet for Industry
Trace Gold, Silver, and Palladium Adsorption Analysis and Extraction System.
Non-contact Cleaner
Dust filter bag
Terrestrial Laser + Wearable SLAM Scanner
PVC floor
ATS Software Development
Filter bags constructed from a variety of materials